Saturday, November 21, 2009

Boise State Business

Last night Boise State University came into town to play the Aggies. Usually when an opposing university comes to down they bring there team and a handful of fans. Not Boise State. They bring literally thousands of fans and a national TV audience.

Now in a football sense its a not a good thing when this team comes but in an economic sense its amazing! Parking at the stadium was raised from $5 to $10 for this game. Hotel rooms were so hard to find in Cache Valley, some BSU fans had to spend the night in Tremonton. Restuarants, such as Angies, this morning were packed with people clad with Bronco orange and blue. No doubt it was a good day to be business owner in the valley.

Along with the direct effects of such a big football program coming to down, national television was given to Cache Valley. This could and probably will bring in countless more tourism dollars to the area, not to mention more students for the university and football recruits.

Big games equal big money! Hopefully next time the Ag's can pull off the win!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Technological Collaberation

So that we cab get the group project completed on time and efficently we have been using technologies such as text-messaging and e-mail. These technologies are not only convienient, they are super easy to use. Each member has been e-mail are group leader research we have done. Also our group has recieved vital information via e-mail from one of the group members relatives.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Two Keys to Presenting

The two things that I have found most important while speaking in front of a group are (1) being prepaired and (2) keeping contact with the audience.

If you want to give a presentation, you must truly be prepaired. You have to know your subject. Research should be started weeks before your presentation. This gives you enough time to mull over what is going to be said. You'll have time to think of what you are going to say, ancedotes for it, and how it is all going to flow together.

There are multiple ways to keep in contact with your audeince. Some of the main ones are questions or visual aids. Most importantly I believe eye contact is how you keep your audiences attention. It makes it seem like you are speaking to them, not at them.

Keep these tricks in mind and you should have a succseful presentaion.