Saturday, November 7, 2009

Two Keys to Presenting

The two things that I have found most important while speaking in front of a group are (1) being prepaired and (2) keeping contact with the audience.

If you want to give a presentation, you must truly be prepaired. You have to know your subject. Research should be started weeks before your presentation. This gives you enough time to mull over what is going to be said. You'll have time to think of what you are going to say, ancedotes for it, and how it is all going to flow together.

There are multiple ways to keep in contact with your audeince. Some of the main ones are questions or visual aids. Most importantly I believe eye contact is how you keep your audiences attention. It makes it seem like you are speaking to them, not at them.

Keep these tricks in mind and you should have a succseful presentaion.

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