Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's not what you know, it's WHO you know!

I never realized how true the statement "It's not what you know, it's who you know" was until I moved away from home to come to college here at Utah State. Back home I had made connections through school, through my family, through church, etc.

These connections made it possible for me to always have a job. For example we were family friends with the golf pro at the local course so when I was old enough to start working it was easy for me to get a job at the course. The cafe manager from the golf course then hired me to work at the Hickory Farms store she managed in the mall during the holiday months. Jobs opportunities were everywhere.

When I moved to Logan I was just another college kid, just another face on the street. Even though I was qualified for jobs I didn't standout to any employer because I didn't have the social connection.

Now being in Cache Valley for over two years, I feel I have once again built up that social network, allowing me to obtain a plethora of jobs if need be. It wasn't overnight that I felt this confidence though , it took being actively involved in organizations and making all types of friends, old and young. I have found it is important to take the opportunities that are given to you because you never know what will come from them!

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