Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's actually how well they know you and who they know!

As I was researching this weeks blog topic, I found many alterings to the original statement "It's not what you know, it's who you know." Two that I found interesting were, "... it's who knows you," and "It's not who you know, its who they know."

Sure, you might "know" many people but if you haven't made yourself stand out or you haven't made a good name for yourself with the person they aren't going to hire or give you a reference. They have plenty of other contacts that have done those things.

"It's who they know" plays right into the fact that you need to make a good name for yourself. Most likey a persons first job isn't there dream job. One will have to climb up the career ladder. The climb up can me made so much easier by the person who knows youpassing your name along to somebody they know. However, since you will be a reflection on them, they are only going to do this if they feel confident in you.

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